Amodu Kehinde

Hey! my name is

Amodu Kehinde

Software Developer

Let's chat!
image of me


I'm a self-taught Software Developer, I am a committed and passionate about crafting and constructing exceptional design architecture and user-centric web applications.

Leveraging my expertise in various technologies, libraries, and frameworks, I contribute to projects to ensure optimal web accessibility and performance optimization.

With a focus on creating impactful solutions, I bring a wealth of experience and proficiency to the development process.


I also taking on new challenges and contribute inorder to give in my creative thinking

I really love to Impact and mentorship , in any form through learning from others or passing on what i have learn , I always want to been know for contributing a positive impact in any way position assigned.

Been a self taught and very new to this career and i really have a lot to understand.



Html, Css/Scss, Javascript/Typescript


ReactJs, ReactNative, NextJs,Bootstrap, TailwindCss, ChakraUI, MaterialUI






Git, Netlify, Heroku ,Github,CI/CD,Jest,ReactTesting Library,Cypress


Figma, Adobe XD



A Simplify your workforce management and boosting productivity for businesses

Rewrote and optimized code as a full-stack engineer, enhancing code quality, maintainability, and security

Website Link

HealthStack Dashboard

A healthcare platform that helps organizations leverage technology to become more profitable and increase productivity.

As the frontend engineer, I collaborated with my team to design and develop pages, creating intuitive dashboards and onboarding experiences for EMR systems, patients, and HMOs.

Website Link


A financial and business management App for business owners and individuals.

I worked as the frontend developer to create a comprehensive dashboard for managing personal and business accounts, simplifying account management.

Website Link


A platform to learn about blockchain & cryptocurrency for free and earn crypto tokens

As the frontend engineer,I worked on redesigning the web pages, adding courses and lessons to enhance user engagement and increase course enrollment.

Website Link


A platform to make donations in cryptocurrencies

As the frontend engineer,I collaborated with team members to lead and implement designs and APIs, ensuring seamless web application functionality.

Website Link

BigStudio Website

Photographer portifolio website

A photographer and cinematographer portifolio website Built with Typscript|TailwindCss|ReactJs|Gsap

Website Link

Beardmen E-commerce

A full stack e-commerce website

I developed a full-stack project, handling both frontend and backend components, to create a seamless, user-friendly platform that delivers an integrated and efficient user experience. Built with Reactjs|Redux|Node|MongoDb

Website Link


A Website for finding and hiring your the best Artisan

I developed the clientside of this web app that facilitates finding and hiring top-tier artisans, ensuring a seamless and user-friendly experience for both clients and artisans. Built with ReactJs|Nextjs|TailwindCss

Website Link

New Shoe Website

Sport store landing page

Sport store e-commerce landing page Built with Typscript|TailwindCss|ReactJs

Website Link

Web Crypto

Web Crypto Home page

A home page for a Web Crypto Built with Typscript|Css|ReactJs

Website Link

In conclusion, I'll love to learn

I've got a lot more to share, and would love to chat about potential any opportunities; let's get the conversation started!

Let's chat!


RotaPad Full Stack Developer

June 2023 - March 2024

Full-time | Remote

Collaborated with designers to revamp the company dashboard UI, enhancing UX and data visualization, leading to a 15% increase in data driven decision making

Rewrote and optimized backend code, improving code quality, maintainability, and security, reducing codebase complexity by 20%.

HealthStack Solution Ltd Frontend Developer

October 2022 - May 2023

Full-time | Remote

Designed and Developed about 12+ figma pages designs of dashboard to onboard EMR, Patients and HMOs and also connected them to the necessary backend endpoints .

Implement payment integration like paystack,remita/pouchii and flutterware for patients to make any payment.

DetlaStack Frontend Developer

April 2022 - July 2022

Contract | Remote

Implement the design and APIs implementation for Cryptofundme,I added the APIs for authentication for users and also for campaign and donation.

Converted Figma designs to pixel perfect, reusable Typescript/React components.

Finosell Global Ltd Frontend Developer

January 2022 - September 2022

Full-Time | Onsite

Worked on the business management dashboard and added payment, order,invoices and team management.

Added printout functionality to print both invoice and receipt for the desktop application.

Zebullon Developer Network Frontend Developer Intern

Augus 2021 - December 2021

Full-Time | Onsite

Translated mockup designs and, ensuring UI fidelity and reducing design

Build email template from figma designs

My Links


© 2024 - Amodu Kehinde